Deok-Oh Woo

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Deok-Oh Woo

Specialization: Building Technology

Advisor: Lars Junghans

Dissertation Committee:

Mojtaba Navvab, Herek L. Clack, Aline Cotel


Deok-Oh Woo’s research interests are in the areas of building automation, specifically in Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm. Recently, he has been working on developing a condensation prevention algorithm utilizing the MPC scheme. Because MPC determines control strategy based on future condition (simulation data), the control strategy can reflect time-delay of building physics. Thus, with MPC scheme, he believes we can control a risk of interstitial condensation in the future, considering the hygrothermal mass effect in building construction.

Two simulation tools were developed for MPC: an indoor illuminance prediction model, and a heat and moisture transfer model.The indoor illuminance prediction model was validated with field-experiment data, and the results have been published in PLEA 2017 Edinburgh conference. The heat and moisture transfer model is being validated with measured data, and will be completed by end of this year. Integration of the developed simulation tools with MPC will improve the prediction accuracy, which in turn contribute to  energy demand savings.

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